District Level Online Educational innovation Festival circular 3/12/2020.

 District Level Online Educational innovation Festival circular 3/12/2020.

Important Link : 

The year 2020-21 will see the completion of the Educational Innovation Festival held online at the taluka level. After the taluka level, now the district level Educational Innovation Festival has to be organized for which the following instructions have to be taken into consideration.

1. The expenses of Taluka / District Level Educational Innovation Festival will be borne from the grant allotted by EDN19L Educational Innovation Festival.

2. Necessary guidance for innovation to be introduced at the district level will have to be given from the diet level. As well as seating allowance will have to be paid as per the rules to the participants in the guidance camp for the main innovation.

District Level Online Educational innovation Festival circular 3/12/2020.

What experiments can be presented at the Innovation Festival?

 The new experiment is still ongoing and is being released for the first time

If so, consider it a new experiment of primary level. Innovative experiment that has been started in previous years and which has been completed this year and its effects and results are visible and available statistical and detailed information showing the situation before and after (one cycle of implementation has been completed). In addition, if a new experiment is being introduced with a new addition or modification, consider it an intermediary stol tan experiment.

Innovative experiment which has been started in previous years and which has been completed in this year and its effects and results are seen and statistical and detailed information is available showing the situation before and after it (has completed two or more cycles of implementation). . In addition, if a new experiment is being introduced by adding a new addition or modification, then consider it as Advanced. Which means the original innovation experiment if one is introduced for one standard or one school or one subject and at the end of two or more implementation cycles it is for other subjects. Useful for other schools or for other standards. And that new experiment should be repeatable or suitable for large-scale expansion.

Guidelines for District Level Education Innovation Festival 2020-21

Teachers of all primary and secondary schools of the district, lecturers of educational training institutes and students and individuals and institutions working in the field of education will be able to participate in the district level innovation festival.

During the year 2020-21, in any kind of correspondence or public presentation, we will recognize this festival as the district level online education innovation festival 2020-21 ”. As per the current situation, due to the epidemic of Kovid-19, the district level Educen Innovation Festival 2020-21 will have to be held online.

This year, the district level education innovation festival will be done through online mode, so instead of the festival banner, online certified banner or certified slide will have to be used. In which he has to write the logo of DIET and the name of his district. All other information must be kept the same. PDF, JEPG and PPT files for this will be sent to each Dic.

Maximum 5 (five) selected from each taluka out of which three primary and two other entries have to be invited in the district level innovation festival.

• District-level Education Innovation Festival online platforms such as Microsoft

team or Google meet etc. can be used. The link for which as well as its schedule will have to be informed in time to the teachers related to the 3 entries selected from the taluka level.

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